Tarot Readings
Thought-provoking exploration

How I Provide Tarot Readings
I do not use tarot readings for fortune telling.
I like to use tarot as a form of art therapy. Just like you may hear or see something different every time you listen to a song, or watch a movie, every time you look at the art depicted on a tarot card, you might notice a different aspect rising up from your subconscious.
Dissociation from actute or repeated complex trauma, and/or regular discomfort in the body, are common experiences that lead many of us to slowly lose touch with our inner voice and lose trust with ourselves.
Tarot can be an effective, low-risk, and fun, way to reconnect with that voice, experience your innate wisdom, and rebuild trust with your Self*.
My personal experience is that tarot can guide us to hear more clearly from the Self*. And that collaborating with the Self in the thearpy space leads us to clear, gentle, and more sustainable approaches to our work together.
*Self: an IFS term (from seancuthbert.com). Self is who we truly are: the core of a person, their true nature, and their inner compass. It's the part of a person that's always constant, even when other parts (anxious, despressed, wounded parts) may change. The Self is characterised by the 8C’s: compassion, curiosity, clarity, creativity, calm, confidence, courage, and connectedness. IFS holds that everyone has access to these qualities at their core, and they don’t need to be created or built by the therapy.
My Credentials
I have used tarot in my own meditation and reflection practices since 2012 and have provided readings to others since 2014. Over these many years, I've collected and gotten familiar reading a wide range of decks and have created many spreads, some found here. My approach was highly inpsired by "Tarot for Life: Reading the Cards for Everyday Guidance and Growth" by Paul Quinn.