Somatic Internal Family Systems (IFS)
IFS therapy that works with the body

How I Provide SIFS
IFS is based on the concept that under the anxious, depressed, or wounded "parts" of our identity, we have a true, core, "Self". This Self that can heal the dysregulated parts of us that developed from our pasts.
The goal of IFS therapy is to achieve balance within the internal system and to differentiate and elevate the Self (your "true" or unconditioned self, marked by characteristics such as calm, curious, compassionate and a sense of neutral, expansive, or peaceful body responses) so it can be an effective leader in the system. (VeryWellMD)
Somatic is a fancy word that means "relating to the body" - so Somatic IFS integrates use of the body through breath, movement, ethical touch, resonance, and awareness of sensations, all within the IFS framework. Somatic work has been shown to be effective for chronic illness and trauma. (EmbodiedSelf)
My Credentials
I am certified in AAIT which incorporates many somatic elements and also uses exercises to differentiate between parts and self. I've attended informal IFS trainings and read IFS materials such as Susan McConnell's Somatic IFS Therapy. I have been practicing somatic IFS since 2021.