Embodying Sensuality
A dance class to reclaim sexuality for your Self
Feeling your SELF
Are you feeling stuck in your head and disconnected from your body?
Awkward, frustrated or exhausted when it comes to sex?
Ready to feel free and confident in your sexuality?
As a sex therapist specializing in overcoming sexual trauma, and as an ambitious survivor myself, I hear and relate to these feelings all the time.
After all the therapy - talking about it, processing the feelings, working thru the trauma, healing our bodies - it is hard to see real change until we DO something different WITH social support.
Embodied actions in supportive environments are SO powerful...
...And dance is a super FUN, affirming, effective way to feel alive, sexy, and IN YOUR BODY.
I create spaces for this
Because I know it is one of the most effective things we can do for our recovery journey.
Because we work so hard on healing and we need to have fun.
Because we're overcoming pain to feel pleasure so how bout we just go ahead and center pleasure?
Because it is what I wanted and needed on my own healing journey.
What to Expect
A beautiful, private, cozy environment with low lighting and gorgeous plants
Women, Trans, Femme Non-Binary who relate only
1 hr 15 min of:
Guided visualization, meditation, and affirmation exercises to open us up
Fun dance to warm us up
Sensual dance routines that are easy to learn yet make you feel HOT and incorporate intentional moves to deepen connection, benefit pelvic floor, and soften defensive rigidness stored in body
Take-home practices
Opportunities to connect with people who get it, celebrate growth, have accountibili-buddies, and practice staying connected to your Self while being witnessed.
- Sundays 4/14 - 5/5 at 4:45 -
- $133 for the series, includes 4 classes -
- Rooted Space -
- Sign Up Below -
Sign up for Embodying Sensuality
Dance Series
Register here to take part in the 4 class in-person series
Free E-Class
Embody sensuality, deepen connection to your body and sexual SELF from the comfort of your home!
Included in 40-minute class:
getting to know the instructors
dance instruction
home practice suggestions.